This week, we received a letter from USDA-Wildlife Services regarding this year's Goose Round Up. (See full text of letter below) The Michigan DNR has cancelled this year's goose roundup and relocation program, due to the detection of avian influenza in the state. Please note in the letter below, avian influenza has not necessarily been detected in our immediate area. However, the DNR has outlined a statewide plan to mitigate the spread throughout the state.
To continue the progress we have made with regard to goose control, BLA will be contracting with Goose Busters again this year. However, based on DNR recommendations, our efforts will shift from roundup / relocation to egg collection and nest destruction. Goose Busters will put their boat on the lake to look for nests, generally found along the shoreline. When they find a nest, they collect the eggs, place them in a plastic bag and then flip the nest over. DNR prefers that the eggs be collected (rather than destroyed) so that the numbers can be recorded.
I do not yet have a confirmed date. Initial thoughts from Goose Busters were between April 12-15. However, that date is subject to change.
As in years past, we need your help. If you have a nest on your property, please email me at Mary69402@gmail.com so I can relay this information to Goose Busters. We do respect your property and your choice not to participate in this procedure. If you do not want Goose Busters to come on your property, please let me know that as well.
We appreciate your help with this project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mary Kowalski
BLA President
LETTER from USDA-WIldlife Services:
Dear 2022 Canada Goose Round Up Applicants:
SUBJECT: Cancelation of Canada Goose round up statewide due to High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
This week, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) confirmed the state’s first cases of HPAI H5N1 in wild birds in the state. The disease was found in free-ranging Canada geese and tundra swans from St. Clair County, in snowy owls from Macomb County, and in a mute swan from Monroe County. Avian influenza is a virus that can infect both free-ranging and domestic poultry such as chickens, turkeys, quail and geese. This detection in wild birds comes on the heels of a detection in a non-commercial backyard flock (non-poultry) in Kalamazoo County in late February, 2022.
With the evidence that HPAI is present in the state, it presents a clear and important threat to wild birds and domestic poultry facilities. Taking steps outlined in Michigan’s Surveillance and Response Plan for Avian influenza in free-ranging wildlife, which was updated in 2022, the DNR is cancelling the Canada Goose Round Up Program for 2022. Relocation of Canada geese has the risk of transporting HPAI around the state and facilitating the spread of the virus.
The DNR has notified Canada goose contractors of the cancelation. Any sites that have already had their Round Up (Capture) and Hold Canada Geese Permit Application fees processed will be issued refunds by the DNR. The DNR will make very limited exceptions for round up in approved situations where there are elevated human health and safety concerns, however any birds rounded up under these exceptions must be killed.
With the cancellation of Canada goose round up and relocation, the DNR is encouraging nest and egg destruction to resolve conflicts. For 2022, the eligibility requirements for nest and egg destruction will be waived. There is no charge for permits for this activity. The permit application is attached along with an Information Circular with additional information. Please be aware that nest and egg destruction does require online training to be completed. The training can be found at: Canada Geese - Permits (michigan.gov).
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers the risk to people from HPAI viruses to be low. To date, no human HPAI infections have been detected in the United States.
MDARD, the DNR, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Veterinary Services (USDA, VS) and Wildlife Services (USDA, WS) and Michigan State University (MSU) are working together to conduct avian influenza surveillance and to monitor health of poultry, livestock, wildlife and residents in Michigan. If you notice the death of three or more wild birds, please report it to DNR through the Eyes in Field App or at 517-336-5030.
We apologize for this inconvenience. If you have questions, please contact Amberly Hauger (517) 318-3471 or Tim Wilson (517) 318-3467 or MI.goose.permits@usda.gov. You may also direct questions about the Canada Goose Program to Barbara Avers, Waterfowl and Wetland Specialist, at aversb@michigan.gov or 517-930-1163.
For more information, go to www.Michigan.gov/AvianInfluenza or www.Michigan.gov/AvianDiseases.
Amberly Hauger
USDA-Wildlife Services
Okemos, MI
Mi Goose Permits