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What the association does?

Lake associations have a much stronger voice when dealing with any government agency.  A member from the BLA attends an annual conference with the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association to keep informed on riparian rights and other inland lake issues.

How big is Baldwin Lake?

266 Acres

What can you do at Baldwin Lake?

Baldwin Lake is an all-sports, 266 acre, spring fed lake in southwest Michigan.  The lake is close to many attractions and activities such as Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, Shipshewana Flea Market in Amish country, canoeing, kayaking rentals, Lake Michigan beaches, wineries, and coastal towns. Baldwin Lake is less than 20 minutes from South Bend & 2 hours from Chicago.

What does Baldwin Lake Association do?

The BLA facilitates many ongoing activities, such as: water clarity and purification testing, conducting semi-annual road clean-ups through the Cass County Road Commission, keeping informed on Porter Township activity and advocating for issues concerning the lake communities, maintaining membership in the Michigan Lake & Stream Associations which advocates for riparian rights on the state level, coordinating and providing mosquito control, maintaining the boat launch on Sunset Blvd, helping to fund the Fourth of July fireworks, coordinating an annual Christmas party for lake residents, and communicating community events and concerns through email and Facebook. The lake association is here for you! Email The BLA would not exist without the help and dedication of all the officers and advisors. All positions on the lake association are volunteer. So, please thank your advisor for all he/she does.

Connect With Us!


Baldwin Lake Association

PO Box 311

Union, MI 49130

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© 2023 by Baldwin Lake Association.

Created by BLA

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